Here are the lessons on anger for this week:
1. We should never go to bed angry.
2. We should not be someone that "blows up" and gets angry at the drop of a hat.
3. God tells us that we need to put off anger and wrath.
4. We need to be slow to wrath. Those that are slow to wrath have great understanding.
5. If we are quick to anger, then we are foolish.
Have A Wonderful Day!!!
Originally posted on July 16, 2016
1. We should never go to bed angry.
2. We should not be someone that "blows up" and gets angry at the drop of a hat.
3. God tells us that we need to put off anger and wrath.
4. We need to be slow to wrath. Those that are slow to wrath have great understanding.
5. If we are quick to anger, then we are foolish.
Have A Wonderful Day!!!
Originally posted on July 16, 2016